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SYNLAB’s CORE LAB offers several analytical reference profiles and is one of the analytical lines with the highest production capacity in Spain. The CORE LAB includes the automation of the Biochemistry, Immunochemistry (hormones, tumour markers), Drug Monitoring, Serology, Allergy and Coagulation areas.


The department has three main work areas: Occupational and Clinical Toxicology, Drugs of Abuse and Trace Elements. The aim of this department is to offer the best service and to always be at the forefront of the latest technologies and applications.

Molecular Genetics

The department focuses its efforts on supporting postnatal and prenatal molecular diagnosis of genetically-based pathologies, oncological genetic diagnosis and molecular diagnosis of infectious diseases.


The department is organized in three work areas: Bacteriology and Mycology, Mycobacteria and Parasitology. Automation of some of the techniques and optimization of the processes enables us to improve our response time and meet the established delivery deadlines.


The Semi-automated and Manual Techniques Department (TSAM in its Spanish acronym) handles an extensive catalogue of over 1200 tests and is characterised by the transversal nature of its platforms. The RadioImmunoassay (RIA) Department has one of the largest facilities adapted for RIA analysis, with a daily volume of over 1000 results. 


Nota informativa sobre el ciberataque acontecido en Synlab ITALIA

El pasado 18 de Abril Synlab Italia se vio afectada por las consecuencias de un ciberataque. Como precaución y, de acuerdo con los procedimientos de seguridad de la información de Synlab, todos los sistemas en Italia fueron desactivados. Como resultado, las operaciones de Synlab en Italia se vieron suspendidas. Se estableció un equipo de trabajo con expertos internos y externos para mitigar el impacto, restaurar los sistemas y se alertó a las autoridades con quien se ha colaborado estrechamente.

Las operaciones fuera de Italia NO se vieron afectadas por este incidente.

Con fecha 30 de abril Synlab Italia ha restaurado sus operaciones y retomará los servicios a pacientes y clientes en Italia.

Synlab está comprometida en mantener los más altos estándares de seguridad e integridad.